September 2024
Thursday, 19:30
Bridekirk Church

Parish Council Meeting

Bridekirk Parish Council
To all Members of the Council
You are hereby summoned to attend the Meeting of the Bridekirk Parish Council
to be held on Thursday 12th September 2024 in Bridekirk Church at 7.30pm for the purpose of transacting the following business.


1.7.2024 To receive apologies for absence.

2.7.2024 To approve as a true record the minutes of the Council meeting held 11th July 2024

3.7.2024 Declarations of interest in items on the agenda.

4.7.2024 Suspension of Standing Orders for members of the public to speak.

5.7.2024 Accounts :

  • Lazy Lawns Grass Cutting - £250 (October, if expected)
  • Clear Council - £53.68 (paid by Clerk)
  • Moore – Charge re Annual Audit return £40

6.7.2024 Reports from outside bodies

  • Cumberland Council – circulated via email

7.7.2024 Planning applications and decision notices received:

  • Decision Notice: Reference No: FUL/2024/0101 Applicant: James Steel Proposal Proposed shed to house livestock. Location: Anns Hill, Bridekirk, Cockermouth, CA13 0NY. Approved
  • Reference No: FUL/2024/0101 Applicant: Michael Harper Proposal: Construction of machinery shed Location West House Farm, Dearham, CA15 7LD – previously circulated via email. No objections
  • Reference: FUL/2024/0174 Applicant : C Willis Proposal: Demolition of existing stables and replacement horse stables and store Location: Land adjacent to Herdwick House, Fernleigh Close, Tallentire, CA13 OPR – previously circulated but to be discussed at meeting.
  • Decision Notice: - Reference Number: FUL/2024/0156 Applicant: Michael Harper Proposal: Construction of farm machinery shed Location: West House Farm, Dearham, CA15 7LD – Approved, with conditions
  • Reference No:HOU/2024/0135 Applicant: Megan Neesam Proposal: Replace flat garage roof with pitched rooft, new porch to front entrance, air source heat pump and solar panels and garden access. Location: Brandle How, Bridekirk, CA13 OPE – Previously circulated, no obections

8. 7.2024 Clerks report – under appropriate headings

9.7.2024 To receive any reports on flooding issues across the Parish.

10.7.2024 To receive update on any Parish Maintenance.

  • To include request for PC to contact Highways to ask for a ‘no access to HGV’s beyond this point’ sign, on the Tallentire Hill to Bridekirk road, following resurfacing, to prevent damage to drainage work also undertaken.

11.7.2024 To note the date and time of the next meeting Thursday 14th November 7.30pm - Bridekirk Church.



