07540 274737
Your Parish Council can sometimes give financial assistance to local organisations.
In addition, the developers of the windfarm above the villages have made annual funds available to Bridekirk Parish, and two other surrounding parishes. There are requirements which must be satisfied before grants are made.
The basic criteria is that the applicants should be either based in the Parish or offer significant benefit to the residents of the Parish.
Applications should be made in the first instance to the Clerk
Charitable organisations and local partnerships that benefit the parishes of Bridkirk, Gilcrux and Plumbland can apply for funding towards activities that are environmental, educational, sporting, amenity or community related.
The minimum grant availlable is £500 and the maximum is £10,000.
In exceptional circumstances, over £10,000 may be awarded if the project showed wide community benefit and multi-year funding will be considered.
Contact details for finance applications from the 'Windfarm Fund' :
Phone 01900 825760