Village Post Edition 17


February 2025

Village Post Edition 16


December 2024

Village Post Edition 15


October 2024

Click below for Village Post October 2024

Village Post Edition 14

Bridekirk Parish


July 2024

Click below for Village Post August 2024

Replacement of seat on Tallentire Hill

Tallentire Hill


July 2024

There has been a seat at the cross roads at the top of the Tallentire Hill road for many years, and It's concrete structure has been deteriorating for some time.

The Parish Council have purchased a new seat, which is constructed of recycled materials.

Councillor Bill Crosby has removed the old seat and installed the new seat in the same position.

Windfarm Community Benefit Funding


May 2024

Funding can be made avialable for approved projects in the local area.

See attached details.

Traffic confusion

Highcroft Tallentire


February 2023

When entering Tallentire from the south, traffic needs to circulate round the one way system. a few metres before reaching the one way system, is the entry to Highcroft Close. Many drivers who do not know the area mistake this turning for the start of the one way system. GPS users may also be confused by the advanced request to turn left. Small vehicles can easily find their way out, but an HGV will probably struggle.

The image below shows a recent result.

Damaged Wall.jpg


Changes to Geological Disposal search area announced

West Cumbria/Cumberland


January 2023

It has now been decided that disposal of nuclear waste underground in our area would not be appropriate because the geology is unsuitable.

Defibrillator Relocation in Tallentire

At the North end of Tallentire in the old phone box


November 2022

Councillors David and Bill have relocated the defibrillator into the former phone box which the Parish Council have purchased.


The defibrillator was previously located in a narrow alleyway which was not very visible to those who were not aware of its existence.


Alternative locations were considered, but the costs of providing an electricity supply to maintain its charge were prohibitive. When BT agreed to transfer ownership of the phone box to the council, they agreed to continue to allow the use of the electricity supply at no cost. There should be a light in the kiosk in case access is needed at night.

Instructions detailed on the defibrillator housing explain access as being available by calling 999.

Attention families with children under the age of two


July 2022

All families in Cumbria with children under the age of two are being encouraged to collect free vitamin drops for their children and apply for help with the cost of food and milk as part of the Healthy Start Scheme.

Families can collect 8 weeks' supply of children's vitamin drops from any of the community venues across the county listed here Healthy Start Scheme booklet (PDF 552KB).

Families with children aged between 2-4 years will be able to continue collecting the vitamin drops from the same venues if they are in receipt of a Healthy Start card.

Pregnant women and mothers with babies up to six months (if breastfeeding or dual feeding) are also entitled to collect free vitamins for themselves- these will initially be distributed by midwives and Health Visitors during their early visits.

To find out more about the Healthy Start card and how to apply please visit: Healthy Start website.

If anyone is struggling with the rise in the cost of living, visit to find out how to access a range of advice and support

Speed Limit - Dovenby

A594 Dovenby


February 2022

The Dovenby speed limit was implemented in early 2023.

This was considered necessary due to the number of accidents and the number of incidents of excessive speed on this dangerous sector.

Courses offered to help communities deal with emergencies



January 2021

Floods in recent years brought out the very best in people throughout Cumbria, with a huge volunteer response. Cumbria CVS, using funding from Cumbria Community Foundation’s Flood Appeal is running a series of free training for volunteers between now and the autumn to help them respond to possible emergencies in their communities.

The training will cover practical skills and knowledge as well as softer useful skills such as Active Listening and Effective Communication that help individuals to be better prepared to respond positively and effectively in an emergency.

Sessions available include ‘Effective Communication Skills’ - improving communication skills to respond calmly and with confidence ; ‘Manual Handling’ – helping people to reduce the risk of injury when moving and handling objects and ‘Befriending’ helping people feel more confident in the role as a befriender.

“There was an overwhelming swell of volunteer support during and following the floods, and we are looking at how to build on it so that we are better prepared for future possible emergencies,” said Judith Holmshaw, County Volunteer Coordinator, Cumbria CVS.

“Thanks to funding from the Cumbria Community Foundation’s Cumbria Flood Appeal, we are really pleased to be able to offer all of these sessions free.” Judith said. “We would also like to hear from people who may be interested in getting involved as a volunteer in possible future emergencies as we are building up a database of contacts. Please contact me if you directly if you may be interested on 01768 800350 or email

Full details of all sessions can be found on the Cumbria CVS website:

Anyone who’d like more details can contact Cumbria CVS on 01768 800350 or email

Independent Living Services



January 2020

Do you want to control how your care is provided but need help to do it?

You decide who works for you – We help you recruit staff

You decide what your staff do – We help with contracts

You decide what hours your staff work – We help with the payroll

You hold the purse strings – We do the accounts for you

Get the care you need from the staff you choose, but let DaCE Support Service take the strain for stress free Direct Payments and Personal Budgets.

DaCE Support Services

DaCE is a local organisation and has more than 10 years experience supporting people to arrange their care packages and our staff are the experts in this field in Cumbria. Our aim is to support local disabled people to live independently and fully in control of their lives. We have worked with disabled people, their families, carers and professionals over the years helping them organise their care in the way they want it provided by the people they want to do it.

Our new service offering a comprehensive Personal Assistant Package, which is the first of its kind in Cumbria, is now available to people on a Direct Payment or Personal Budget and also to private paying clients. Using this package we can support you to either recruit your own staff or you can choose from a pool of Personal Assistants. The comprehensive package covers all aspects of employing staff including staff salary, tax and NI, carrying out CRB checks, risk assessment, contracts of employment, job descriptions, providing staff training and helping you manage finances and returns.

The hourly rate covers all of the above mentioned (and much more to meet specific requirements) and also includes your staff salaries. One cost = full inclusive service

We invest profits from this package into improving and widening our services.

Alternatively, if you do not require the full service we can provide a customised service according to your individual needs, such as stand alone payroll service which comes with added value of free unlimited advice about Direct Payments and Personal Budgets provided via a home visit for your privacy and convenience. DaCE have the best value payroll services available in the County.

For more details and free home visits to discuss options, please Click here for contact details

Bridekirk Church Booklet