07540 274737
Parish Council Meeting
Parish Council Meeting
Bridekirk Parish Council
Appletree House, Allerby, Cumbria, CA7 2NL
Email: bridekirkparish@gmail.com
To all Members of the Council
You are hereby summoned to attend the meeting of the Bridekirk Parish Council to be held on Thursday 10th December 2020 at 7.30pm at via Zoom Conference for the purpose of transacting the following business.
DNS Cosgrove
Clerk to the Parish Council
1.9.20 To receive apologies for absence.
2.9.20 To approve as a true record the minutes of the Council meeting held 12th November 2020 (previously circulated)
3.9.20 Declarations of interest in items on the agenda.
4.9.20 Suspension of Standing Orders for members of the public to speak.
5.9.20 Accounts :
Zoom meeting accounts – subject to invoices received
Payment for website compliance work may be approved for payment during this meeting.
6.9.20 Reports from outside bodies
- Cumbria County Council
- Allerdale Borough Council
- Cumbria Constabulary –
7.9.20 Planning applications received – to note that correspondence was received from ABC to confirm that there had been difficulties in accessing the website. Extra time to be added to consultation periods to allow for this.
Ref: OUT/2020/0020 Applicant: Mrs C Yeoman; Proposal: Outline planning permission for the erection of one dwelling with access.
Location: Low Road Cottage, Bridekirk, Cockermouth. Information previously circulated.
8.9.20 Clerks report
To receive an update on activity and correspondence received in the period since the last meeting, not covered in agenda items.
To include audit & website compliance
9.9.20 To receive any reports on flooding issues across the Parish.
10.9.20 To receive update on any Parish Maintenance.
11.9.20 To receive any update on M Sport. Please note, information previously circulated following interim update meeting with ABC and representatives of the PC
12.9.20 To update on installed defibrillator in Dovenby
13.9.20 Cumbria Community Foundation update .
14.9.20 To note the date and time of the next meeting Thursday 14th January 2021 7.30pm Bridekirk Dovenby School or via Zoom if lockdown/social distancing requires it to be so.
Minutes of the meeting of Bridekirk Parish Council held on Thursday 10th December 2020
Present: Mr S Dumbill (Chair); Mr R Stenson,; Mr D Hodgson; Mr M Rollison; Mr M Buckley; Mr R Coy; Mr B Crosby
1.10.20 Apologies for absence received Mr W Nixon ;Mr F Armstrong; ; Cllr N Cockburn, Cllr J Farebrother
2.10.20 The minutes of the meetings held on Thursday 12th November were (virtually) signed as a true record.
3.10.20 There were no declarations of interest in matters on the agenda.
4.10.20 There were no members of the public present at the meeting
5.10. 20 Accounts approved for payment
- Payment for the Zoom meetings was agreed.
- Acceptance of quotation for the work to ensure website compliance confirmed.
6.10.20 Reports from outside bodies
Nobody present from CCC - no apologies
Cumbria Constabulary - No report or correspondence
Allerdale BC - Cllr Janet Farebrother tendered apologies. No report.
Cllr Cockburn -Tendered apologies. No report..
7.10.20 Planning Applications -
- Website has been down. Clerk to obtain information and circulate.
8.10.20 Clerks report -
- Clerk had been unable to access the meeting due to connectivity issues.
- Mr Stenson queried the information supplied on the proposed unitary authority structure proposals as he felt it was not something the PC could easily have a view on as it is such a complicated subject.
9.10.20 Flooding updates
- Tallentire -No issues with flooding, however the Hill Roads are not coping well with rainwater, the road is under up to a few inches of fast flowing water.
- Dovenby. - Nothing noted
10.10.20 Parish Maintenance
- Roadworks through Tallentire have caused disruption, predictably. Poor communication with residents regarding the timing of the closure being the primary issue.
- An electricity pole that had been slated for removal/burial in the newly resurfaced road would have resulted in the loss of a street light, to the consternation of a resident. It has been confirmed that this will now be sited on a new pole and the resident is happy with this outcome.
- It was noted that there has been a generally poor response to reported potholes throughout the Parish with some having been reported two months or more ago.
11.10.20 M Sport
- Briefly discussed the meeting on the 24th November with ABC. Notes of which were previously circulated.
- Brampton Woodworks Ltd have quoted £27,500 to supply bridge and move the wall, however resident has raised the fact that Condition 16 in the approval of the planning permission requires M Sport to improve the footpath. Also Mr Hodgson was contacted by a parishioner asking what the PC was going to do about the poor condition of the footpath.
12.10.20 Defibrillators in Parish
- Dovenby has now been re-installed and working well. Tallentire - No progress in finding new location.
- Mr Rollison and Mr Crosby will look into possible locations close to the BT phone box.
- Bridekirk - In good working order.
13.10.20 Cumbria Community Foundation -.Nothing to report either on meetings or funding applications.
14.10.20 Noted date and time of next meeting : Thursday 14th January 2020 7.30pm Bridekirk Dovenby School or via Zoom if lockdown/social distancing requires it to be so.