07540 274737
Parish Council Meeting
Zoom Conference
Parish Council Meeting
Bridekirk Parish Council
Appletree House, Allerby, Cumbria, CA7 2NL
To all Members of the Council
You are hereby summoned to attend the meeting of the Bridekirk Parish Council to be held on Thursday 8th October 2020 at 7.30pm at via Zoom Conference for the purpose of transacting the following business.
DNS Cosgrove
Clerk to the Parish Council
1.7.20 To receive apologies for absence.
2.7.20 To approve as a true record the minutes of the Council meeting held 10th September 2020 (previously circulated)
3.7.20 Declarations of interest in items on the agenda.
4.7.20 Suspension of Standing Orders for members of the public to speak.
5.7.20 Accounts - to make outstanding payments as detailed below.
- Grass cutting October- £200
- Web site hosting £27.60 + £35.40 = £63.00
- Zoom meetings 3 x £14.39 Jul/Aug/Sep £43.17
- Clerk Salary £400
- HMRC £100
- Payment received 6 month precept £3,250
6.7.20 Reports from outside bodies
- Cumbria County Council
- Allerdale Borough Council
- Cumbria Constabulary –
7.7.20 Planning applications received – none at time of writing.
- Tallentire Hall Licensing Application – update on outcome Approval agreed
8.7.20 Clerks report
- To receive an update on activity and correspondence received in the period since the last meeting, not covered in agenda items. To include audit & website compliance
9.7.20 To receive any reports on flooding issues across the Parish.
10.7.20 To receive update on any Parish Maintenance.
11.7.20 To receive any update on M Sport.
12.7.20 To update on installed defibrillator in Dovenby
13.7.20 Cumbria Community Foundation update .
14.7.20 To note the date and time of the next meeting Thursday 12th November 2020 7.30pm Bridekirk Dovenby School or via Zoom if lockdown/social distancing requires it to be so.
Email: bridekirkparish@gmail.com
Minutes of the meeting of Bridekirk Parish Council held on Thursday 8th October
Present: Mr S Dumbill (Chair); Mr D Hodgson; Mr M Rollison; Mr R Stenson; Mr M
Buckley; Cllr N Cockburn
1.8.20 Apologies for absence received Mr B Crosby; Mr R Coy; Mr F Armstrong.
2.8.20 The minutes of the meetings held on Thursday 10th September were (virtually) signed as a true record.
3.8.20 There were no declarations of interest in matters on the agenda.
4.8.20 There were no members of the public present at the meeting
5.8. 20 Accounts approved for payment
- Grass cutting October- £200 subject
- Web site hosting £27.60 + £35.40
- Zoom meetings 3 x £14.39 Jul/Aug/Sep £43.17
- Clerk Salary £400
- HMRC £100
- Payment received 6 month precept £3,250
6.8.20 Reports from outside bodies
- Nobody present from CCC - no apologies
- Cumbria Constabulary - No report or correspondence
- Allerdale BC - Cllr Janet Farebrother not in attendance
- Cllr Cockburn - MSport has another application in for approval of Condition 6. A number of residents do not appear to have received notice of this, nor has the Clerk of the Parish Council. They have stated that they have met the criteria, so the reading of the application seems to presume acceptance. Email sent to Sara Brook during the meeting. Request a Zoom Meeting with Sarah Brook, Sian Tranter and Simon Sharp.
7.8.20 Planning Applications -
- Tallentire Hall Licensing Application This licensing application was approved in spite of the objections from both Parish Council and Cllr Cockburn on behalf of the parishioners. There are still some concerns about the activity, and this will be monitored by the local community.
8.8.20 Clerks report - Website compliance. There has been a change of regulations as to how the website must be presented. Mr Rollison and the Clerk have been in correspondence regarding this and proposals were put forward. There was discussion around this and it was agreed that we would have a minimalistic website to cover the required information and keep a separate website for community information and news, with links to the Parish Council website. We shall have a notice showing that the website is being updated.
9.8.20 Flooding updates
- Tallentire -No issues despite the recent heavy rains.
- Dovenby. - Been on to West Cumbria Rivers Trust to discuss initial ideas for spending some of the available funding that must be spent before the end of the financial year. Another meeting in a couple of weeks. Have requested assistance in completing paperwork to get approval for sediment removal from the beck. This work may need to be undertaken every couple of years.
10.8.20 Parish Maintenance
- Potholes - continue to be reported.
- Beck edge -Still awaiting quote
- Wall around the grassed area in Dovenby belonging to the PC. - Mr Armstrong was not available for an update.
- Public Footpath signage - No further update but Mr Rollison will be doing some more inspections on this imminently.
- Footbridge in Dovenby.- Nothing to report, much of the work is still on hold due to Covid 19.
- Speeding through Dovenby - Still awaiting further action but remains on agenda for updates as appropriate. We believe the consultation has commenced.
11.8.20 M Sport -
- Previously covered in report.
12.8.20 Defibrillator for Dovenby
- Has now been installed
13.8.20 Cumbria Community Foundation
- Since recording objections to Covid Charity proposal, there had been emails circulated but Mr Stenson is not aware of any vote having taken place. He will follow up on this and let us know whether a donation of £5,000 was made.
14.8.20 Noted date and time of next meeting : Thursday 12th November 2020 7.30pm Bridekirk Dovenby School or via Zoom if lockdown/social distancing requires it to be so.