07540 274737
Parish Council Meeting
Zoom Conference
Parish Council Meeting
Bridekirk Parish Council
Appletree House, Allerby, Cumbria, CA7 2NL
To all Members of the Council
You are hereby summoned to attend the meeting of the Bridekirk Parish Council to
be held on Thursday 10th September 2020 at 7.30pm at via Zoom Conference for the
purpose of transacting the following business.
DNS Cosgrove
Clerk to the Parish Council
1.6.20 To receive apologies for absence.
2.6.20 To approve as a true record the minutes of the Council meeting held 9th July 2020 (previously circulated)
3.6.20 Declarations of interest in items on the agenda.
4.6.20 Suspension of Standing Orders for members of the public to speak.
5.6.20 Accounts- to make outstanding payments as detailed below.
Grass cutting September- £200
6.6.20 Reports from outside bodies
- Cumbria County Council
- Allerdale Borough Council
- Cumbria Constabulary
7.6.20 Planning applications received - none at time of writing.
- Tallentire Hall Licensing Application
8.6.20 Clerks report
- To receive an update on activity and correspondence received in the period since the last meeting, not covered in agenda items.
9.6.20 To receive any reports on flooding issues across the Parish.
10.6.20 To receive update on any Parish Maintenance.
11.6.20 To receive any update on M Sport.
12.6.20 To discuss any progress regarding the proposed defibrillator for Dovenby
13.6.20 Cumbria Community Foundation update
14.6.20 To note the date and time of the next meeting Thursday 8th October 20207.30pm Bridekirk Dovenby School or via Zoom if lockdown/social distancing requires it to be so.
Email: bridekirkparish@gmail.com
Minutes of the meeting of Bridekirk Parish Council held on Thursday 10th
September 2020
Present: Mr S Dumbill (Chair); Mr D Hodgson; Mr M Buckley; Mr M Rollison; Mr F Armstrong; Mr B Crosby ; Cllr N Cockburn
1.7.20 Apologies for absence received Mr R Stenson; Mr R Coy;
2.7.20 The minutes of the meetings held on Thursday 9th July 2020 were (virtually) signed as a true record.
3.7.20 There were no declarations of interest in matters on the agenda.
4.7.20 There were no members of the public present at the meeting, however a request to turn the green at Dovenby into a wildflower meadow was discussed following request from a parishioner. There was a view that there might be other areas that might be appropriate, and this might be considered but concern that it would lose a local amenity. It was felt that there should be some consultation with the local community as it is used by residents. Potentially around the bench in the village might be one to be considered. Will look at it again in the winter with potential action in Spring.
5.7. 20 Accounts approved for payment
- Agreed to pay the grass cutting invoice on receipt - £200 for September
- M Rollison - reimburse payment for web hosting £35.40 (invoice and proof of payment received)
- Zoom account to be paid as per Invoices received from S Dumbill.
- Clerk confirmed that the end of year audit had been completed and submitted to external auditors by the due date.
6.7.20 Reports from outside bodies
- Nobody present from CCC - no apologies
- Cumbria Constabulary - No report or correspondence
- Allerdale BC - Cllr Janet Farebrother not in attendance
- Cllr Cockburn - short discussion around the proposals for Unitary Authority, however this was not anything that can be influenced by the PC.
- Cllr Cockburn has alerted Planning Department to the fact that some developers are submitting plans for affordable homes that the standard is not being met in respect of the footprint. Concerns that this could happen in Allerdale, but not currently aware of it.
7.7.20 Planning Applications
- Reference No: LBC/2020/0025
Applicant: Mr Fabio Seri
Proposal: Listed building consent for thermal upgrade, replacement windows and rooflights and removal of mezzanine and new first floor
Location: The Orangery
Tallentire Cockermouth - It was resolved that there were no objections to this application although the supporting documentation was not very helpful in decision making.
Tallentire Hall Licensing Application
- It was acknowledged that there has been a delay to the decision in respect to this application.
8.7.20 Clerks report
- All covered in other items on the agenda
9.7.20 Flooding updates
- Tallentire -No issues despite the recent heavy rains.
- Dovenby. - In the period since the July meeting, three near misses, but no actual flooding. It is definitely different from previous years so it is felt that the work has had some impact.
- Communication from the Rivers Trust to say more funding available for natural flood defences but has to be spent by end of the financial year. Mr Buckley will meet with them in the next few weeks. Data has been being collected rain falling on pond at Fieldside Farm, it appears that this is helping. However, by the time it reaches Dovenby it is levelling out. Possibly need to look at something nearer to the village. Implications of putting bunding on the Green in Dovenby were briefly discussed. Another option considered is land to the rear of The Ship which would help but the landowner is not interested in supporting this approach at this time.
10.7.20 Parish Maintenance
- Potholes - continue to be reported.
- Beck edge - contractors have been out, but yet to quote
- Wall around the grassed area in Dovenby belonging to the PC.The prices that are coming in for replacing it equate to one and a half years full precept and the concern is that whilst this is a lovely wall to have it will mean that there are little reserves left for any emergency in the future. Discussion took place as to whether to simply patch it up or remove and replace with a fence. There is the potential that the value of the stone may pay for the wall to be removed and have the fence in place of it. It was resolved that the wall is therefore patched this time around, but it will need to be considered that the alternative is an option for the future.
- Public Footpath signage - No further update
- Footbridge in Dovenby.- Nothing to report, much of the work is on hold due to Covid 19.
- Speeding through Dovenby - Letter received confirming that there had been a decision to reduce speed in Dovenby, but it may take until 2022 to get resolved. However it is now likely to take place much sooner.
11.7.20 M Sport
- Condition 6 Application has now been withdrawn as of 29th July 2020.
12.7.20 Defibrillators
- Proposed Defibrillator for Dovenby
- Tallentire - Clerk sent email to BT re the purchase of the phone box still awaiting further response, no action is currently being taken to remove the box though.
13.7.20 Cumbria Community Foundation
- Information from Mr Stenson circulated with regard to proposals by CCF to fund Covid 19 charity, without having consulted with the communities or the advisory panel. As Mr Stenson was unable to attend it was resolved to discuss further at the next meeting. Clerk to confirm to Mr Stenson that he should respond in line with his concerns outlined in his correspondence.
14.7.20 Noted date and time of next meeting : Thursday 8th October 2020 7.30pm Bridekirk Dovenby School or via Zoom if lockdown/social distancing requires it to be so.