07540 274737
Parish Council Meeting
Zoom Conference
Parish Council Meeting
Bridekirk Parish Council
Appletree House, Allerby, Cumbria, CA7 2NL
To all Members of the Council
You are hereby summoned to attend the meeting of the Bridekirk Parish Council to
be held on Thursday 9th July 2020 at 7.30pm at via Zoom Conference for the
purpose of transacting the following business.
DNS Cosgrove
Clerk to the Parish Council
1.5.20 To receive apologies for absence.
2.5.20 To approve as a true record the minutes of the Council meeting held 11th June 2020
3.5.20 Declarations of interest in items on the agenda.
4.5.20 Suspension of Standing Orders for members of the public to speak.
5.5.20 Accounts - to make outstanding payments as detailed below.
- Grass cutting July & August- £400 total
- Clerks salary £400
- HMRC £100
- School room hire for meetings, April 19 - March 20 £165
6.5.20 Reports from outside bodies
- Cumbria County Council
- Allerdale Borough Council
- Cumbria Constabulary
7.5.20 Planning applications received - none at time of writing.
- Tallentire Hall Licensing Application
8.5.20 Clerks report
- To receive an update on activity and correspondence received in the period since the last meeting, not covered in agenda items.
9.5.20 To receive any reports on flooding issues across the Parish.
10.5.20 To receive update on any Parish Maintenance.
11.5.20 To receive any update on M Sport.
12.5.20 To discuss any progress regarding the proposed defibrillator for Dovenby
13.5.20 Cumbria Community Foundation update .
14.5.20 To note the date and time of the next meeting Thursday 11th September 2020 7.15pm Bridekirk Dovenby School or via Zoom if lockdown/social distancing requires it to be so.
Bridekirk Parish Council
Appletree House, Allerby, Cumbria, CA7 2NL
Email: bridekirkparish@gmail.com
Minutes of the meeting of Bridekirk Parish Council held on Thursday 9th July
Present: Mr S Dumbill (Chair); Mr D Hodgson; Mr M Rollison; Mr F Armstrong; Mr R
1.6.20 Apologies for absence received from Mr B
Crosby; Mr M Buckley; Mr W Nixon; Mr R Stenson; Cllr J Farebrother;Cllr N
2.6.20 The minutes of the meetings held on Thursday June 11th 2020 were
(virtually) signed as a true record.
3.6.20 There were no declarations of interest in matters on the agenda.
4.6.20 There were no members of the public present at the meeting.
5.6. 20 Accounts approved for payment
- Agreed to pay the grass cutting invoice on receipt - £200 + £200 for August
- Zoom Meetings £28.78
- Venue Rental £165.00
- Parish Clerk Salary to July 20 £400
- HMRC £100
- Hoss Electrical £210
- John Davidson Pipes £32.24
- Annual accounts authorised for signing to be submitted as per regulations.
6.6.20 Reports from outside bodies
- Nobody present from CCC - no apologies
- Cumbria Constabulary - No report or correspondence
- Allerdale BC -Cllr Farebrother has forwarded an update from Allerdale BC which was circulated via email it basically summarised the national news..
- Cllr Cockburn - not present
7.6.20 Planning Applications None received in this period - however there has been correspondence regarding an application
- Considered the Parish Council response to the application for a premises license at Tallentire Hall. There are conflicting versions of what they are applying for that appear to then conflict with the application that the Parish Council do not feel that they can support this application. The view therefore is that there should be a formal objection to the application on the grounds of public nuisance.
- Ref FUL/2020/0127 Applicant Mr M Harper Erection of a calf shed at West House Farm, Dearham, - no objections.
8.6.20 Clerks report - All covered in other items on the agenda
9.6.20 Flooding updates
- Tallentire -Nothing to update
- Dovenby. - Nothing to update
10.6.20 Parish Maintenance
- Potholes - continue to be reported
- Beck edge requires work, site visit is being arranged for potential contractor to do the work.
- Wall around the grassed area in Dovenby belonging to the PC. This needs to be revisited as it will need foundations to be put in, and the price quoted in last meeting did not include this aspect of the work. Agreed that the information would be shared via email in order to progress over the summer recess. In the interim the area is to be ticker taped off with a warning sign.
- Public Footpath signage - No further update
- Footbridge in Dovenby.- Nothing to report, much of the work is on hold due to Covid 19.
- Speeding through Dovenby - it has emerged that there was a recommendation for speed reduction following a traffic survey in 2018 so FOI has been put in to confirm this.
- Further approach to be made with regard to speed reduction warning signs in Tallentire.
11.6.20 M Sport
- No update. Clerk to write to Simon Sharp for an update on Condition 6
- 12.6.20 Proposed Defibrillator for Dovenby - Power supply box is now in situ. Electricity NW is now aware and it is with them to action. Total cost expected to be approximately £50 per year. Mains connection should be done in next few weeks, then box will be on the wall and the announcement needs to be made to NW Ambulance and go on the website. Training event then will take place for local people. Hope to have the work completed by August.
- Tallentire - Clerk to send email to BT re the purchase of the phone box.
13.6.20 Cumbria Community Foundation
- No upate
14.6.20 Noted date and time of next meeting : Thursday 11th September 2020 7.30pm Bridekirk Dovenby School or via Zoom if lockdown/social distancing requires it to be so.