Bridekirk Demography - Summary

According to the United Kingdom Census 2001, the township of Bridekirk has a population of 636 and 246 households in total.

There were 335 economically active people in Bridekirk (between the ages of 16 and 74) and 125 economically inactive people in the same age bracket.

There were two main categories of employment in Bridekirk:

Extractive and manufacturing industries = 33.7% (113 people)
Service industries = 66.5% (223 people)

Other categories of employment were:

Managerial and professional occupations = 55.8% (187 people)
Small employers/self employed = 22.3% (75 people)
Lower supervisory and technical occupations = 6.5% (22 people)
Unemployed = 2% (7 people)

This extract is taken from Wikipedia

Bridekirk 2001 Census Statistics

Details also in Action with Communities in rural England. Rural exidence project October 2013.

Rural community profile for Bridekirk Parish

Obviously this information is old, but it is still of interest.

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