07540 274737
Parish Council Meeting
Zoom Conference
Parish Council Meeting
Bridekirk Parish Council
Appletree House, Allerby, Cumbria, CA7 2NL
To all Members of the Council
You are hereby summoned to attend the meeting of the Bridekirk Parish Council to be held on Thursday 11th June at 7.30pm via Zoom Link for the purpose of transacting the following business.
DNS Cosgrove
Clerk to the Parish Council
1.5. 20 To receive apologies for absence.
2.5 20 To approve as a true record the minutes of the Council meeting held 14th May 2020
3.5 20 Declarations of interest in items on the agenda
4. 5 20 Suspension of Standing Orders for members of the public to speak.
5.5 20 Accounts for payment and/or discussion
6.5.20 Reports from outside bodies
Cumbria County Council
Allerdale Borough Council
7.5.20 Planning applications received
8.5.120 Clerks report
To receive an update on activity and correspondence received in the period since the last meeting, not covered in agenda items.
9.5.20 To receive any reports on flooding issues in the Parish and activities/update on Dovenby Beck flood prevention work
10.5.20 To receive update on any Parish Maintenance.
11.5.20 To receive any update on M Sport.
12 5.20 To discuss any progress regarding the proposed defibrillator for Dovenby
13.5 20 Cumbria Community Foundation
14.3.20 To note the date and time of the next meeting Thursday 9th July 2020 at 7.30pm Venue to be confirmed subject to Covid Restrictions
Bridekirk Parish Council
Appletree House, Allerby, Cumbria, CA7 2NL
Email: bridekirkparish@gmail.com
Minutes of the meeting of Bridekirk Parish Council held on Thursday 11th June
Present: Mr S Dumbill (Chair); Mr D Hodgson; Mr Crosby; Mr M Rollison; Mr M Buckley; Mr F Armstrong; Cllr N Cockburn
1.5.20 Apologies for absence received from Cllr J Farebrother; Mr R Stenson (IT fail); Mr Nixon (IT fail); Mr R Coy (IT fail)
2.5.20 The minutes of the meetings held on Thursday May 12th 2020 were (virtually) signed as a true record. (Change to houses opposite the pub in Item 9)
3.5.20 There were no declarations of interest in matters on the agenda.
4.5.20 There were no members of the public present at the meeting.
5.5. 20 Accounts approved for payment
- Agreed to pay the grass cutting invoice on receipt.
6.5.20 Reports from outside bodies
- Nobody present from CCC
- Cumbria Constabulary - nothing from police but aware of an RTA in Tallentire, on the one way system where a driver had driven the wrong way around the system, nobody hurt.
- Allerdale BC -Cllr Farebrother has forwarded an update from Allerdale BC which will be circulated via email after the meeting and posted as an appendix to the minutes of the meeting.
- Cllr Cockburn -First Development Panel via Zoom took place, things are slowly returning to usual.
7.5.20 Planning Applications None received in this period
8.5.20 Clerks report
- Very little to report, all covered in other items on the agenda
9.5.20 Flooding updates
- Tallentire - Some tidying up still needs doing and a road sign to be reinstated but works are otherwise complete
- Dovenby. - Nothing to update
10.5.20 Parish Maintenance
Potholes - continue to be reported
- Wall around the grassed area in Dovenby belonging to the PC. In need of repair, photographs have been shared prior to the meeting and discussion took place, it was resolved to. Stone waller has been consulted, about five areas need to be repaired. Cost would be £1,600 to repair or £4,500 to take the full wall down and replace. Discussion took place and it was agreed that it is more economical to do the proper job, particularly as we are aware of other issues with the wall. Clerk to get quotations, but unless significantly cheaper then we should go with the local business.
- Public Footpath signage - Mr Rollison has contacted the Rights of Way Officer but still awaiting a response. Part of the challenge is to find out who owns the land where the gates, stiles, signage is missing or damaged.
- Footbridge in Dovenby.- Nothing to report, much of the work is on hold due to Covid 19.
- Speeding through Dovenby - Mr Hodgson has been pursuing a speed restriction/ signage and has stats to support it, these have been forwarded to relevant parties who may be able to assist with the matter through Highways.
11.5.20 M Sport - No formal update.
12.5.20 Proposed Defibrillator for Dovenby
- Funding has been received from CCF to the sum of £4,162.87. Mr Hodgson to confirm the quotation still stands.
13.5.20 Cumbria Community Foundation
- There was no CCF meeting during April or May due to the Covid 19 situation. Currently no date set for another.
- Gary Higgs (CCF rep) advised the group by email on 18th May of an application for funding from Gilcrux and requested email response but did not give a time scale. It was for a toddler group at Gilcrux being 3 items of play equipment at a cost in excess of £10K. Mr Stenson objected to this on the grounds that the total cost was excessive for the very small numbers of toddlers who benefit and extravagant for the items involved. It constitutes one third of the total annual grant from CCF for all the parishes.
- No update on how this application fared
14.5.20 Joint Parish Meetings - we understand that this is on hold.
15.5.20 Noted date and time of next meeting : Thursday 9th July 2020 7.15pm Bridekirk Dovenby School.